worlds biggest blockchain consortiums BCTECH NEWS 

Worlds Biggest Blockchain Consortiums Ethereum’s EEA and Hyperledger Join Forces

In an unprecedented move, two of the worlds biggest blockchain consortiums, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) and Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Project have joined forces to excel the adoption of blockchain technology in the enterprise sector. Announced in a jointly authored news release by Hyperledger Executive Director, Brian Behlendorf, and EEA Executive Director, Ron Resnick, the two confirmed that they have agreed to collaborate and are formally joining each other’s organisations as Associate Members, stating: “The collaboration between our organisations will further accelerate adoption of blockchain technologies for business.” The EEA, launched in early 2017,…

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Walmart tells suppliers to use IBM blockchain FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Worlds Largest Retailer Walmart Tells Suppliers to Use IBM Blockchain Food Trust

The world’s largest retailer, both by revenue and by employee count, Walmart tells suppliers to use IBM Blockchain Food Trust platform, beginning with its leafy green producers in the U.S. Announced in a press release on Monday, the mandate which also includes Walmart’s retail warehouse Sam’s Club, requires all relevant suppliers to be fully integrated a year from now, making it one of the biggest commercial uses of blockchain technology. Utilising IBM’s distributed ledger technology that is permission-based, the company aims to expedite the traceability of contaminated foods, Matt Smith…

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UK’s Biggest Port Operator Exploring Blockchain Shipping Solutions Across 21 Ports

UK’s biggest port operator, Associated British Ports begins exploring blockchain shipping solutions across its 21 UK ports, in partnership with logistics software service provider Marine Transport International (MTI). ABP, which carries out 25 percent of the cargo shipments in Great Britain, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MTI to pilot shipments using blockchain technology.  Commercial Director at ABP, Jens Skibsted Nielsen stated: “We handle almost 100 million tons of cargo across all sectors every year, so we are a significant gateway for our customers’ supply chains,” According to a report by the…

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ibm launch a blockchain directory with Hacera FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Hacera and IBM Launch a Blockchain Directory Touted as a Distributed ‘Yellow Pages’

Enterprise blockchain firm Hacera, together with founding member IBM launch a blockchain directory with the aim of expediting the growth of blockchain networks, by making it easier for companies to discover and join blockchain projects. Entitled the ‘Unbounded Registry’, Vice president at IBM Blockchain, Jerry Cuomo announced in a blog post on Thursday that the directory is now live.  Likening it to the Yellow Pages, he recalled the history and significance of the directory that: “put businesses on the map and made them known to the world”. The registry is able to interoperate…

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global blockchain patent rankings FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Alibaba and IBM Top the Leader Board for Global Blockchain Patent Rankings

Tech giants Alibaba and IBM top the leader board for global blockchain patent rankings, according to a new report by iPR Daily, a global technology media outlet that specialises in intellectual property (IP) ecosystems. The research, published on Friday by iPR Daily, ranks entities by patents filed.  It stated that it consolidated data as of August 10 from across China, the EU, America, Japan and South Korea, consulting the International Patent System from the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). The report shows that the Chinese internet giant Alibaba managed to seal the top position with its 90 patent applications focused on blockchain-related…

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blockchain insurance data platform NEWS REGULATORS 

Major US Insurance Advisory AAIS and IBM Pilot Blockchain Insurance Data Platform

One of only two major ‘rating bureaus’ in the US, the American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS), has partnered with IBM to launch a blockchain insurance data platform. Entitled Insurance Data Link (openIDL), it aims to simplify regulatory reporting for insurance carriers, which currently requires time-consuming data calls across various parties. Several major US insurers are being on-boarded, and AAIS is reported to be targeting carriers and organisations of “every size and configuration”.

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aidtech worlds first blockchain baby BCTECH NEWS 

World’s First Blockchain Baby is Registered for Care with AID:Tech and PharmAccess

Startup blockchain aid organisation AID:Tech makes history by registering the world’s first blockchain baby in Tanzania, in partnership with Dutch organisation PharmAccess, in an effort to improve access to healthcare throughout Africa. Entitled Chain of Trust (CoT), the project has already attracted a flurry of investment from Techstars, Enterprise Ireland, SGI Innovate, and angel investor, Jason Calacanis. Named by the United Nations as a Sustainable Development Goal Pioneer, AID:Tech is now looking to launch their own Transparency as a Service Token (TaaST).

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saudi arabia selects ibm to develop blockchain NEWS REGULATORS 

Saudi Arabia Selects IBM to Develop Blockchain for the City of Riyadh

In a major contract with oil rich Saudi Arabia, IBM have been selected to develop blockchain for the Municipality of its capital city Riyadh, integrating both government and commercial services for its 7 million citizens and residents. IBM have been instructed to work closely with the municipality’s technology partner, Elm. The blockchain initiative is in line with the Saudi Vision 2030 program, a plan enacted by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in 2016, and is focused on reducing the country’s dependence on oil revenue by diversifying the economy.

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delaware signs ibm to build a blockchain filing system NEWS REGULATORS 

Leading U.S. Business State, Delaware Signs IBM to Build a Blockchain Filing System

In a $738,000 deal without competitive bidding, the corporate friendly U.S. state of Delaware signs IBM to develop a blockchain filing system prototype on its Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Delaware aims to utilise blockchain technology to assist business registration, and allow corporations to take advantage of smart contracts to automatically track stocks and collateral assets in real time. With more than half of all U.S. publicly traded companies, and two thirds of the fortune 500 incorporated in the state, it is a significant move.

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fast track blockchain service fujitsu FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Tech Giant Fujitsu to Launch a ‘Five Day’ Fast Track Blockchain Service

Global tech giant and founding member of Hyperledger, Fujitsu is launching a new fast track blockchain service to deliver a “ready-to-go” product in just five days. Priced from €9,900, the consultancy aims to offer customers a way to identify and utilise blockchain technology, encouraging a ‘proof of business’ as opposed to a ‘proof of concept’ approach. It will be available throughout EMEIA from Fujitsu’s Blockchain Innovation Centre in Belgium, from where it aims to enable the development of “the city of the future.”

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Walmart is Looking to Revolutionise Package Deliveries with Blockchain Technology

On Thursday, a proprietary U.S. patent was released for the world’s largest discount retailer, Walmart. Its ‘Smart Delivery’ patent, aims to give package delivery lockers an immutable node within a blockchain network. Together with a patent for its ‘Smart Package’, a blockchain-based tool that will integrate autonomous vehicles and unmanned drones, Walmart is gearing up to dramatically revolutionise package deliveries, with blockchain bringing the final missing piece of technology to its plan.

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European Banks Complete First Blockchain Financial Trades FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Nine Major European Banks Complete First Blockchain Financial Trades with ‘’

A consortia of nine major European banks including HSBC, Santander and Société Générale, have announced the successful completion of the first ten blockchain financial trades, made using their jointly developed blockchain platform, The trade solution, built on IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, is aimed to be a game changer for SME commercial banking clients within Europe. Available across eleven countries, COO Roberto Mancone confirmed it will begin licensing to other banks over the coming months, expanding its reach globally.

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Maersk blockchain shipping FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

IBM and Maersk Blockchain Shipping Solution Pushes Forward

The IBM – Maersk blockchain shipping solution, has been developed to streamline the process and reduce the world’s total $1.8 trillion annual shipping costs. Some the biggest players in the industry have participated in the Pilot, including the U.S. Customs Authority. Now Agility, a global third-party logistics provider, joins in the project. Maersk have said the joint venture, will be based in New York and could be up and running by July, pending regulatory approval in some countries.

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