oracle blockchain supply chain FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Software Giant Oracle Rolls Out Blockchain Supply Chain Apps Using Hyperledger

One of the world’s biggest software companies, Oracle has released four new blockchain supply chain apps based on Hyperledger Fabric technology, designed to reduce the barriers for businesses to adopt blockchain technology. Integrating nascent technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) with blockchain, Oracle aims to provide increased transparency and improved traceability to supply chain management systems. The new business-ready product entitled ‘Oracle Blockchain Applications Cloud’ provides a suite of applications (apps) that intend to make it easy for businesses to integrate blockchain supply chain systems.  Oracle’s Senior…

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oracle blockchain product FTSE / NASDAQ NEWS 

Software Giant Set to Launch Oracle Blockchain Product

Oracle, one of the world’s largest software companies, are launching a blockchain “enterprise level ‘platform-as-a-service’ product this month, and decentralised ledger based applications next month.” Thomas Kurian, President of Software Development, said “Oracle’s products will also be pitched to pharmaceutical companies to track and trace batches of medicine, which may potentially ease recalls.” He added that they are already working with clients on projects, such as the government of Nigeria to use blockchain for their customs and import duties, and a hyperledger project with Banco de Chile.

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